Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Busy, Busy Week, Temple, Stake Conference, Farewell to Mission Pres. and Wife

This week was great! It was definitely a different week. We only had Wednesday that was a "normal" day. Monday we had our district meeting and I had to go to the capital and Tuesday we went to the TEMPLE!! That was such a great experience to go there again! I have missed it so much. So all of you should go to the temple as often as you can because there are so many temples that are so close to you!! When I was sitting in the Celestial Room, all I could hear was grandpa saying to me I love you too sweetie. Really, I could feel him there with me. It was a special feeling. Thursday we had our last conference with President and Hermana Brough, that was a sad day, but it was good. We cried and they both talked and shared how they met each other. President Brough also looked at me and he said come find us when you get home and I will give you a big hug. It was sad, but it will be good to have a new mission president to learn and grow from. Friday we planned. Saturday we had Stake Conference and so we got to go to that which was great. I got to see Pres and Hermana Brough again!!! YAY!! and then Sunday we had the actual meeting of Stake Conference. That was awesome. Elder Amado from the first quorum of the seventy came and spoke to us. It was great! I gave Hermana Brough one last hug and she was just crying and she said she will write me one last text right before she leaves. Wow its going to be hard to not talk to her, but I know that Hermana Markham and I are going to work good together as well and that I will love her. When I said bye to President Brough, he told me again to come find him and then he said you know how to take care of a mission presidents wife, you really do. I thought that was really nice of him to say. ya we text each other pretty much everyday and most things are about the missionaries but we do have some texts that are what we need for each other to lift us up. It has been great to be able to help the missionaries and to also teach my investigators. It's such a great opportunity to see the change in the people. You all should go out and share the gospel with everyone!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Families are FOREVER. Earthquake (yikes)

Well this week has been the best that it can be. Thank you to all for your support for my family right now at this time in our lives. I am so thankful for the knowledge that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!!! What a blessing that is in our lives. I am just testifying more now of this knowledge, that I have that it's true!! and that we will see our family once again. I hope these people can feel it when I am testifying. Sometimes I start crying and I can see a difference in their faces. I know the Gospel of Jesus Christ is TRUE! and I know now that my grandpa is on the other side teaching about the wonderful gospel and sharing many of his lifes experiences with everyone. Teaching has been good and helping the missionaries has been good as well. I just never know what kind of call I will get but I am thankful that I can help the missionaries out. You all should go out and share your testimony with EVERYONE!!! Oh fun fact well this week I was on my knees praying in the morning and all of the sudden I am shaking and I look up and my companion is looking out the window and I said Que es esto and well it was an earthquake haha someone said it was like 4.8 haha After I said well I will finish my prayer now. haha It was funny.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Meeting goals, Missonaries Sick, The Church is TRUE

This week has been great! We had a goal for our mission to have a perfect week. We have specific things we had to meet and my companion and I met them!! We were the only ones in our zone that met these goals!! YAY!!! It was a good feeling to know that I accomplished what our president wanted us to do even though I had some challenges with the missionaries being sick. I have had many call me this past week, but I know that Satan is working hard on us because we have a goal as a mission of baptisms and he doesn't want us to achieve, so everyone is getting sick and calling me. I am getting through it and learning from it. I am so thankful for Hermana Brough, she is AMAZING! This week has been good teaching, We have an investigator who is 20 years old and she is awesome. She is funny and she is just becoming our friend which is awesome!! I love the work! I love seeing the change in the people. I got to work with my first companion in the field Hermana Yepez. She is a Sister Training Leader so she came to my area with me. She is great. She said that she doesn't have any worries about me and she knows that I am here for the right reason. That is always a good feeling. THE CHURCH IS TRUE! La Iglesia es verdadera!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Rain, Rain go away. It's making the mission a challenge.

Things here in Guatemala are going well. Yesterday was a pretty eventful day for nursing. I had three appointments to go to with the missionaries and it usually takes us like an hour and a half to get to the capital, but yesterday it was four hours. It was raining and there apparently was an accident. It was a good time! Also we would be walking down the streets and there is a ton of water in the street and the cars would pass by and yep you all already know what happened we would get splattered. Good memories we made! My companions first pday with the nurse haha She won't forget that day. We didn't get back to our area till 5;45 and we are supposed to be teaching at 5:00, but the weather and traffic made everything push back. My companion is from Honduras. She has been out 10 months. We are doing good together, just trying to learn what I can. It has been a little difficult guiding the area again, but I am doing it and the Lord is helping. We have some investigators who are progressing and one said that she might have a religion in her life! Its great to hear and see the progress of them.! We are doing our best to try and find people. THE CHURCH IS TRUE AND YOU ALL SHOULD SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!